Stumpy Cat Books

 You can buy Stumpy Cat books on Amazon

Stumpy Cat - A pawful of string

Stumpy Cat is the coolest cat in town! Perched high up on his tree stump, Stumpy Cat has an amazing adventure saving a strange city from a crazy King who won’t let the people sleep! 

Stumpy Cat - Adventures in No-Napsland

Stumpy Cat is the coolest cat in town! Perched high up on his tree stump, Stumpy Cat has an amazing adventure saving a strange city from a crazy King who won’t let the people sleep! 

Stumpy Cat - Destiny in the Desert 

Stumpy Cat is the coolest cat in town! Perched high up on his tree stump, Stumpy Cat has an amazing adventure as the first ever cat in ancient Egypt. 

Get immersed in this funny charming story of a cool cat who just wants to help and just look at how the Pharaoh repays his kindness!